Package cleanup: tiny hints

If you use some system for long enough, passing through various release upgrades, installing and uninstalling packages - basically living and using - your system might start be bloated with various remnants of dependencies, unneeded packages, dragging back some relicts or even blocking some new deps. Very unpleasant fact.

Sat Jan 26 17:57:42 2013 Upd.: Sat May 25 10:04:36 2013

Glibc IPv6 bug

While working on jack IPv6 network stack I've trapped onto bizarre getaddrinfo() behaviour - it was returning me address families in wrong order for passive nameless request. It appears people were trapping onto this bug since 2009 (at least that far I found references to this behaviour in mail-lists).

Mon Mar 4 00:06:35 2013 Upd.: Sat Mar 9 11:05:16 2013


Here I'm just listing some upstart scripts I've written to manage tasks not assumed by default configuration


I dont want to use some weird bloatware just to install couple of rules I need to protect my machine. So here we go...

Sat Jan 10 02:04:21 2009 Upd.: Wed Dec 19 00:21:33 2012
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